DTFx or DTG?

What are DTFx and DTG prints?

Quick Info

As you'll see, a lot of my shirt/hoodie products will have either "DTFx" or "DTG" in the title, what does this mean?

DTFx = Direct to Film printing

DTFx prints the designs on a clear film, The film is then fed into a machine that adds glue to the imprint, then cuts the design out of the film and presses it on a heat press.

DTG = Direct To Garment

DTG is a method of producing t-shirts that uses a digital printer to apply water-based inks directly to the fabric.

Some sensory-sensitive wearers (who dislike the feel of plastic) may prefer DTG prints

Overall, both prints are EXCEPTIONALLY high quality, I'm just making sure to provide BOTH options on as many of my products as possible just in case any of you have a specific preference!

Unsure what to pick? Just pick either! It honestly does not matter, Both are exceptionally high quality and I only provided the option of both prints to give YOU the most freedom possible when shopping with us! I assure you you'll love them no matter what!

Thank you, enjoy your time here!